1. Purpose

As a UK-based business, we are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards across all aspects of our operations. This policy outlines our commitment to the principles of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code, which ensures the fair treatment of workers, ethical sourcing, and respect for human rights throughout our supply chain. The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidance to employees on our ethical responsibilities and to ensure that our business practices comply with the ETI Base Code and UK law.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, and partners working with or on behalf of VN Labs It covers all business operations, including manufacturing, supply chain management, and any third-party engagements. We expect all employees and suppliers to adhere to these principles as part of our shared commitment to ethical practices.

3. Principles of the ETI Base Code

We fully align our operations with the ETI Base Code, which consists of the following core principles:

  • Employment is freely chosen
    There shall be no forced, bonded, or involuntary prison labour. Employees must work voluntarily and have the right to leave employment after reasonable notice.
  • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
    All employees shall have the right to join or form trade unions of their choice and to bargain collectively without fear of discrimination.
  • Working conditions are safe and hygienic
    A safe and healthy working environment must be provided for all employees, ensuring the prevention of accidents and injuries. Adequate health and safety training and protective equipment shall be provided as necessary.

4. No child labour

Child labour shall not be used. We are committed to employing individuals who meet the legal minimum age requirements. Robust ID checks and verification processes will be enforced to prevent child labour in our business and supply chain.

5. Fair wages and benefits

Wages and benefits paid for a standard working week must meet, at a minimum, national legal standards or industry benchmarks. All employees shall receive clear information about their employment terms, including wage details.

6. No excessive working hours

Working hours must comply with national laws, collective agreements, and international standards. Overtime shall be voluntary and fairly compensated.

7. No discrimination

We oppose any form of discrimination in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination, or retirement based on race, caste, national origin, religion, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, or political affiliation.

8. Regular employment

All work must be based on a recognised employment relationship established through national law and practice. Employment through agencies and temporary contracts must not be used to undermine workers’ rights.

9. No harsh or inhumane treatment

Physical abuse, verbal abuse, or any form of intimidation or harassment is strictly prohibited. All employees must be treated with dignity and respect.

10. Responsibilities

  • Management: The management team is responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the ETI Base Code are integrated into our business practices and that any non-compliance is addressed immediately.
  • Employees: Every employee must understand and comply with the principles of the ETI Base Code. Any concerns or suspected violations should be reported to the HR department or through our whistleblowing policy.
  • Suppliers and Contractors: Suppliers and contractors are required to comply with the ETI Base Code in their operations and throughout their supply chains. Regular audits and assessments may be conducted to ensure compliance.

11. Reporting Violations

Any employee or supplier who suspects a violation of this policy or the ETI Base Code should report it immediately to the HR department or use the company’s confidential whistleblowing procedure. All reports will be treated seriously, investigated promptly, and handled confidentially.

12. Consequences of Non-Compliance

Non-compliance with this policy will result in disciplinary action for employees, which may include termination of employment. For suppliers and contractors, non-compliance could result in termination of contracts or business relationships.

13. Review and Monitoring

This policy will be reviewed annually or in response to changes in relevant legislation or ethical trading standards. Regular internal audits will be conducted to monitor compliance with the ETI Base Code.