This month, (February 2018) Supreme Imports have launched a nationwide billboard campaign to promote their number one selling vaping range, 88vape.

Over 500 billboards have appeared around the country promoting the ever successful £1 88vape e-liquids.

The striking billboards feature our best-selling e-liquids and electronic cigarette hardware as well as the logos from our largest stockists.

All 88vape e-liquids are made in a purpose-built laboratory right here in Manchester. Arguably the best value for money e-liquid in the vaping market and now with our billboards, you won’t be able to forget it!

The full range includes standard e-liquids, e-liquids for MOD’s, hardware and accessories.

You can buy our 88vape range directly from our website here.
Alternatively, if you are a Supreme Imports customer, you can shop the entire 88vape range here.

Click here to see our full range of vaping products.

Learn more about our vaping factory.

Let us know if you see our billboard campaign when you’re out and about!